# Posted: 16 Feb 2009 12:02

Few months ago we have participated in the net labels survey performed by Patryk Galuszka, a music-lover, the journalist and author from Cologne/Germany which enjoys supporting the global netlabel-phenomena. For years he has explored the netlabel underground and has written numerous articles on the free music culture. He is the main-editor behind Phlow (
Summary of research in many aspects stands closely to be true. Besides diagrams, take few minutes to study what Patryk actually writes in his report. For example, of some netlabels is quite short and sometimes even though they still have their websites, they haven't released any music for a few years...
...Genre is one of the most important terms in popular music studies. At the same time it is one of the most difficult to analyze, mainly because the term "genre" is understood differently by researchers, fans, artists and music industry...
Despite by the time when the survey results have been analyzed we have extended our concept a bit, renaming from the "net label" to "showcase music gallery", it was done exactly because our project is not dedicated to any genre, and we are rather not labeling any music.
You may study the full report downloading PDF file. Below are some significant diagram excerpts.
