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INQB8R Community / FEEDBACK / Do you have any specific plans for the future?
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# Posted: 9 Jan 2008 16:40

Do you have any specific plans for the future?


# Posted: 9 Jan 2008 16:40 - Edited by: INQB8R

We would like to fly to cosmos and record a soundtrack there. It would be a really nice trip. Besides, if we talk about Latvia, in the net labels area they rarely survive for a long time. So INQB8R just supposed to be a "long-term" as long as possible, that is our main specific plan; and not only in Latvia but also worldwide of course. We also wish this page to be a long-term as well, it is so rare online event past years. Thank you for the questionnaire, we like them. Whoever asks us, we will reply on our community page!

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