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Ariu Kara's EP on NTNS Radio!  0 5,484 INQB8R
20 May 2009 16:27

Interview with Gosh published  0 3,505 INQB8R
9 Oct 2008 11:09

Sound Proector reviewers found Sweeping Logic release of INQB8R "touching and impressive"  0 4,297 INQB8R
14 Aug 2008 17:03

Warming Up the MySpace...  0 5,240 INQB8R
16 Jul 2008 19:06

Vital Weekly reviews XIIORA release of INQB8R as "highly puzzling and conceptual"  0 4,508 INQB8R
9 Jul 2008 12:52

Sound Proector reviews XIIORA release of INQB8R as "extra-ordinary"  0 5,503 INQB8R
2 May 2008 13:39

Interview with INQB8R published on "Calm Down, Relax" website  0 4,760 INQB8R
9 Jan 2008 16:54

INQB8R: The Grand Opening  2 6,032 INQB8R
27 Nov 2007 21:40
2 Dec 2007 17:45